Temperature Dependence Estimation of the Vibration and Frequency Sensor Resonator Mechanical State

: pp. 45 – 50
Received: March 12, 2018
Revised: March 23, 2018
Accepted: April 03, 2018

R. Baitsar, R. Kvit. Temperature dependence estimation of the vibration and frequency sensor resonator mechanical state. Energy Eng. Control Syst., 2018, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 45 – 50. https://doi.org/10.23939/jeecs2018.01.045

Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The complex of technological and metrological researches concerning development of filamentous monocrystals application and fixing methods on various materials of substrate (elastic elements) is considered. The ways of uncontrolled distortions avoiding of the initial monocrystal defect-free structure that can occur at the nodes of its mounting and reduce the Q-value of the resonator oscillations, which is the main characteristic of the tensotransducer quality, is shown. With this the monocrystal mechanical state should correspond to the stress at which its heating from the electric power supply current would not cause a noticeable monocrystal compression. The temperature dependence of deformation of a monocrystal resonator, which is a sensitive element of a vibration and frequency sensor in the operation temperature range, is studied. The factors that determine the temperature dependent deformation component of the resonant tensotransducer made of the semiconductor monocrystal are analyzed. The directions of vibration and frequency sensors characteristics optimization are indicated by purposeful control of the monocrystal deformation initial level, which is achieved by the choice of appropriate structural materials, as well as technological methods of their production.

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