The scientific journal “Energy Engineering and Control Systems” aims to publish the completed research results in the field of energy engineering and industrial control systems by the authors from different countries of the world. The journal provides an international information platform for exchanging the scientific ideas, methodologies and practical results of study as well as for discussion of new methods, models and algorithms in the field of energy engineering and industrial control systems.
The journal “Energy Engineering and Control Systems” was founded in 2015 on the basis of the bulletin “Thermal Engineering. Environment Engineering. Automation” of Lviv Polytechnic National University which had been published from 1964 until 2014.
The scientific journal “Energy Engineering and Control Systems” is included in the list of professional scientific journals of Ukraine, category "B" (Orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 1301 of October 15, 2019 and No. 1643 of December 28, 2019). The journal is registered in CrossRef database and indexed in ICI Journals Master List (ICV 2023: 86.45).
The Editorial Board of the journal “Energy Engineering and Control Systems” is guided in its work by international ethics of scientific publications and maintains a policy of open access. All the articles submitted to the Editorial Board are reviewed (mixed form: open peer review and single-blind review) and checked for plagiarism on a mandatory basis.
The journal is published two times per year.
The language of the published papers is English.
All the accepted papers are published online with free full-text access.
Journal in the electronic archive of Scientific Library of Lviv Polytechnic National University
Journal in the catalogue of Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House