Learning Interferometric Equipment through Integration of Game Methods into Mobile Application

: pp. 131 – 135
Received: October 16, 2023
Revised: December 05, 2023
Accepted: December 19, 2023

S. Yatsyshyn, I. Nazarkevych. Learning interferometric equipment through integration of game methods into mobile application. Energy Engineering and Control Systems, 2023, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 131 – 135. https://doi.org/10.23939/jeecs2023.02.131

Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The article focuses on the research and development of a mobile application for basic and advanced study of interferometric equipment. Based on modern approaches to education and actual needs of students, the peculiarities of operation with high-precision interferometric equipment were investigated. The article examines the problems associated with studying the interferometry as a discipline: the difficulty of understanding the terminology, the uniqueness of the application base, and the limited number of students. To solve these problems, it is proposed to involve game-based learning methods, which makes the process more immersive and effective. The application, developed on the basis of the Unity platform, aims to make the study of interferometry accessible, interesting and effective, combining theoretical knowledge with practical tasks and game elements.

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