Ukrainian Carpathians in the structure of pancardi (magmatism and geodynamics)

: pp. 45-60
Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine
Institute of geology and geochemistry of combustible minerals of NAS of Ukraine
Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine

Purpose of investigations – to ascertain the position of Ukrainian part of the Carpathian geosyncline in the common structure of the Pannonian-Carpathian-Dinarides region (Pancardi) at different stages of the development. Methodology. Integrated analysis of the peculiarities of different-age magmatism together with other geological-geophysical material and reconstruction of the structure and geodynamics of both the whole Pancardi and the Ukrainian Carpathian in particular at different stages of alpine development. Findings. In the Carpathian region of the Ukraine magmatic complexes of different composition and different age are known:  Mesozoic and Cenozoic ones which connected with different stages of formation of the structure of the Carpathian geosyncline. Mesozoic magmatic formations are widely distributed in several regions in the basement uf the Trascarpathian depression where they are exposed by boreholes, and in the southern slope of the Folded Carpathians where they are observed in natural exposures. According to peculiarities of their location as well as to petrochemical and geochemical indications caused by their different nature, Mesozoic magmatic rocks can be divited into several complexes: Trascarpathian, Vulkhovchyck, Ugolka, Rakhyv-Chyvchyn and  Trostianets. They characterize a destructive stage of alpine development (T3 – K1) when early formed continental crust was thinned, and at some places it was broken with forming of a number of ensimatic troughs. The Cenozoic magmatic formations are exposed by numerous boreholes in the Trascarpathian depression and they come to the surface in the Vyhorlat-Huta range. According to location, age, petrochemical and geochemical indications three complexes are distinguished here: Novoselytsia (Badenian), Dorobrativ (Sarmatian) and Vyhorlat-Huta (Sarmatian-Pannonian). The Cenozoic magmatism, that often is considered as a subduction one, testifies to other geodinamic situation obviously ensialic type of magma, an antidrome character volcanism, its petrochemical and geochemical properties, the connection with relatively shallow magmatic centres in the continental crust indicate the absence of classical subduction here and conformity of volcanism with postcollisional geodynamic regime which presents itself as a process of the beginning of the new strain of the crust. Originality. New geodynamic model of the formation of the structure of Pancardi on the whole and of the Ukrainian Carpathian in particular from the beginning of Mesozoic to the end of Cenozoic. Practical value. Results of investigations open up possibilities to proceed to the problem of  origin and concentration of useful minerals in a new way, hydrocarbons in the first place.

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