Ukrainian Carpathians

Sedimentary markers of modern morphodynamic processes on the sandstone tor "Kamin" (village Urych, Eastern Beskydy, Ukrainian Carpathians

The paper studies the types of modern morphodynamic processes on the sandstone tor “Kamin`” (“Stone”) in the village Urych (Eastern Beskydy, Ukrainian Carpathians) as a nature monument and historical and cultural reserve. It reveals interrelationships between the modern manifestations of the processes and the sedimentological facies of the Paleogene rocks of the Yamna Formation.

Geodynamic processes in the territory of the Svidovets mountain massif of the Ukrainian Carpathians (in the zone of the planned creation of a tourist and recreation complex)

The purpose of the research is a comprehensive analysis of various geodynamic natural processes on the territory of the Svydovets mountain massif of the Ukrainian Carpathians - the zone of the planned creation of a tourist and recreational complex for the development of a program for their further detailed study in the area of the planned activity (PА). The methodology includes a comprehensive analysis of the manifestation and course of dangerous geodynamic processes based on source information and individual studies of the authors.

Earth crust of eastern segment of Ukrainian Carpathians in the regional profile RP-5 zone: structure, geodynamics, oil and gas bearing

The purpose of the work is to present widely to the scientific community and analyze in detail the structure and oil and gas bearing of the Bukovyna lithosphere (the eastern part of the Carpathian region of Ukraine) based on the unique data on the regional RWМ-CDP profile RP-5 and on the neighboring regional profiles with the involvement of other geological and geophysical data.

Density model of the Earth crust of the Ukrainian Carpathians along the PANCAKE profile

The purpose of the work is the analysis and geological-tectonic interpretation of the anomalous gravity field of the Ukrainian Carpathians and adjacent territories, as well as the construction of a density model of the Earth's crust and upper mantle according to the international PANCAKE seismic profile. The need to build a density model along the PANCAKE profile is due to the significant interest of a number of geologists and geophysicists in the results of seismic research along this profile. It is also caused by certain discrepancies in the seismological models of different authors.

Geological environments forming the Eocene black-shale formation of the Silesian Nappe (Ukrainian Carpathians)

Objective. To elaborate the geological structure and stratigraphy of the Eocene black shale formation of the Silesian Nappe, to recreate the depths and processes of its accumulation, and to reconstruct paleogeography and geodynamics of the Eocene sedimentatary Silesian Sub-basin. Methodology includes geological mapping, studing the lithostratigraphy and sedimentological features of the deposits (elements of Bouma sequence et al.) in a natural sedimentary succession, as well as paleobathimetric analyses of the foraminiferal assemblages.

Conglomerates with the exotic material in the Ukrainian Carpathians – distribution, composition, probable genesis

Purpose. The aim of the study is to analyze the features of the exotic conglomerates composition and their probable sources of origin in the Ukrainian Carpathians as well as to create a geological sketch of their distribution.  Methodology. The methodology includes a detailed complex analysis and synthesis of available actual geological material, as well as comparison of the obtained data.

The zone of contact between Easteuropean and Westeuropean platforms in the Western Ukraine

Historical aspects of contact zone between two geological megastructures – Easteuropean platform and Centraleuropean geological structure were considered. Structural peculiarities of the zone were analyzed on the base of recent international investigations. The location of the zone on the territory of Western Ukraine was stated.

Display of the tectonic structure of the western region of Ukraine in the gravimagnetic fields

Purpose. The aim of this work is to trace large structural-tectonic elements within the Western region of Ukraine according to the characteristic signs of their manifestation in the anomalies of gravity and magnetic fields and the construction of regional tectonics schemes based on gravity and magnetometric materials. Methodology. The research method is based on a qualitative interpretation of the observed gravitational and magnetic fields.

Jointing of rocks of flish complex of the Ukrainian Carpathians between Opir and Oryava rivers, their tectonic significance

The article is devoted to importance of joints which are the most widespread structural elements of the earth's crust and are in all lithologic types of mountain breeds, for the study of the tense state and mechanical conduct of mountain breeds. Joints are the perceptible indicators of tensions at geotectonics development of territory. Determination of the real dependence of correlations between joints and reasons of their origin enables to use joints for paleotectonic reconstructions, and also at created models of reservoirs in oil geology.

Stress fields in the flysh strata of the thrusts of Orivska, Skolivska and Parashka (by researches in the basin of the Sukil river)

In the article the first results of researches of joints and slickensides from outcroppings in the valley of the Sukil River are given. In 37 points of the flysh deposits of thrusts: Orivska, Skolivska and Parashka about 1100 intentions of joints and 90 intentions of slickensides are executed in the different deposits strata: from the Upper Cretaceous to Oligocene formations.