Formational-geodynamlc correlation of the Jurassic and the Upper Cretaceous within tнe south-western framing of the Eurasian lithospheric plate

Ukrainian State Geological Research Institute

Correlation of Jurassic and Upper Cretaceous pericraton formations of the south-western periphery of the Eurasian between them. They were accumulated in disconnected basins with different geodynamic regimes. The basins, epicontinental - on one side, and formed on a transitional or thinned continental crust - on the other side were separated by permanently developing mobile buffer palaeozones. Such zones compensated sharply different characters of geodynamic regimes on their sides. The zones became places of general splitting-off disrupting from the basis and initiations of colossal overthrusts and charriages during the Alpine development stage. The charriages composed of Tithonian-Palaeogene flysch and abyssal flysch-like deposits covered the sediments of epicontinental peripheral seas. Deeply sunk under-overthrust zones were formed - the main perspective areas for oil and gas reservoirs.

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