Petrochemical features of the volcanic trappean formation of areas of junction of the volyn paleozoic uplift with the Volyn-Podillya monocline

: pз. 75 - 94
Received: March 12, 2016
Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of NAS of Ukraine
Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of NAS of Ukraine
Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine

Goal. Research petrochemical features of volcanites as a precondition for establishing the causes of the localization industry copper-ore mineralization in certain areas strata and suites trappean formation of Western Volyn. Method. To determine the horizons enriched of native copper, vertically as well as lateral (area) selected and characterized 150 samples from each stratigraphic unit different capacities from the base to the roof flows and conducted geochemical and petrochemical research, namely: made gross chemical analysis, according to which were calculated the most common petrochemical features, that define the metallogenic evaluation basalts (aluminous, alkalinity, magnesiumity, femical, fractionation factor, etc.) determined in aqueous extracts chlorine ion, set the isotopic composition of carbon and oxygen of calcite veinlet-impregnated mineralization. Results. Established abrupt character of change pathogenic oxide content for a particular cut thicker/suites and a total of volcanites trappean formations, without identifying clear picture of major correlation between petrogenic oxides, which proves the presence of phase separation processes in the trappean formation. Transfer of native copper in near-surface areas eruptions occurred on the following mechanisms: gas bubbles, high thermal-baric flows of liquid carbon dioxide, in chloride complexes such as CuCl(водн.), CuCl2-, CuCl32-, CuCl43- a wide range of temperature and pressure. Predominant seems to be carrying copper compounds consisting of chlorine and its subsequent restoration to native state on geochemical barriers. The lack of organic matter it impossible to create powerful redox barriers, as demonstrated on a number of such deposits in the World. Instead, such barriers may be the place of mixing anoxic and unsulfide waters (given impoverished sulfur species rocks) with oxygenated water, increased calcium content in near-surface areas of spills and and hardened skin tempering, which is stopping fluids. Scientific novelty. Analysis of the data made it possible to conclude that heterogeneity in chemical composition, and therefore fluctuations content of almost all of major oxides caused by fluid-liquation interaction, since this characteristic also reflects the fact these processes. Maximum concentrations of copper are concentrated at the top outpourings, therefore copper in the form of small droplets of ore fluid existed in the melt at the time of formation of trappean formation, in the liquation drops of copper separated from the silicate melt and then subjected to redistribution and transfer to the upper layers of lava formations, where the geochemical barriers was laying copper. This directly confirmed petrographic and mineralofluidological conducted studies. The practical significance. According to experts, under the law of Ukraine “On Approval national program of mineral resources of Ukraine till 2030”, the forecast of Ukraine's move toward copper 200 ths. tons/year [Heychenko, 2011]. In view of this, the results constitute an integral part of the alleged complex search and search and appraisal work on Rafalivka and Girnyk ore mining sites in the junction between of junction of the volyn paleozoic uplift with the Volyn-Podillya monocline of the Western Volyn (Rathno–Kamin′-Kashyrska area) – component of copper-ore Volyn province, which aims to prepare prospective ore (deposits) to exploration.

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