Improvement in the complex of studying the dynamics changes in water-oil contact (WOC) and gas-water contact (GWC) using results of neutron and electric methods
Received: March 25, 2019
Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas

The purpose of this work is to substantiate the optimal complex geological and geophysical studies of filtration and capacitive characteristics of reservoir rocks with difficult geological cross-sections in order to prevent the flooding of productive layers and monitor the dynamics of change for water-oil and gas-water contacts. Methodology. The research methodology consists of the analysis and generalization from results of geological and geophysical studies of oil and gas geological deposits; construction petrophysical interconnections permeability coefficients with the coefficients of granular and absolute porosity at the gas and gas condensate deposits in Sarmatian tiers gas and gas-condensate deposits; substantiation of the reflection of high permeable rocks from the results of geophysical complex studies; determination of current values for gas-water contacts (GWC), and determination of oil-and-gas extraction coefficients. Results. By results of neutron methods it is possible to obtain the most reliable diagnostic information about the nature of reservoir saturation, gas saturation coefficients, and also to monitor the dynamics of changes in the position of the GWC and WOC. According to the obtained data, it is possible to predict and prevent the risk of flooding in productive rocks. Scientific novelty. For the first time, the relationship between the distribution of water saturation coefficient reservoir rocks and the equilibrium of capillary and gravitational forces in geological sections gas fields and hydrocarbons division into separate zones. In addition, the petrographic dependences of critical values of water saturation coefficient (Кs*) were obtained from the coefficient of porosity in Jurassic and Neogene deposits. Practical value. The obtained scientific results allow the restudy of the stage of deposits within the open oil and gas fields to determine with a great degree of reliability the dynamics of changes in water-oil and gas-water contacts.

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