On the base of computer modeling with calculation of the rock radioactivity was analyzed the behaviour of the heat fields of the central part of DDH in the beginning and in the end of the rifting stage. It was showed, that temperature conditions necessary for activity the process of eclogite metamorphism in the lower layers of the crust took place during all this stage. Another hand, for activizations of process of progressive stage of granulate metamorphism in the lower granite layers it was necessary the process of long heating of the crust during about 10 ml. years. It was established, that temperature field of the crust would be static over 30 ml. years, under condition, that constant temperature of the abnormal hot mantle on the border of Moho would be supported. The calculation shows, that for achievement the modern stage of development, the main part of DDH during the rifting period would be subjected to the action of the number of power astenolites with the temperature of the anomalous mantle on the border of Moho about 1200˚C.
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