It is proved that the geophysical factors significantly effect on the altitude position of permanent stations, which finds its reflection in the results of their time series. Therefore, investigation of time series of permanent stations is important for study of the Earth geodynamics.
The work is devoted to the study of time series of permanent stations in Europe in order to allocate the geophysical impact on their results.
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2. Tretiak K.R., Smirnova O.M., Bredelieva T.M. Do pytannia vyvchennia periodychnykh zmin vysotnoho polozhennia suputnykovykh permanentnykh stan¬tsii svitu// Zb. materialiv XVII Mizhn. nauk.-tekhn. sympoziumu "Heoinformatsiinyi monito¬rynh navkolyshnoho seredovyshcha: GPS i GIS tekhnolohii", 10-15 veresnia 2012 r., Alushta (Krym). – L.: Vyd-vo Nats. un-tu "Lvivska politekhnika", 2011. - S. 74-80.
3. Tretiak K.R., Smirnova O.M., Bredelieva T.M. Doslidzhennia periodychnykh zmin vysotnoho polo¬zhennia suputnykovykh permanentnykh stantsii svitu // Heodynamika 1(12). – Lviv: L.: Vyd-vo Nats. un-tu "Lvivska politekhnika". 2012.–
S. 11-29.
4. Tretiak K., Smirnova O., Babiy L. The study of periodic changes in altitude of the satellite permanent stations of the world // Geophysical Research Abstracts / EGU General Assembly 2013. – Vol. 15, EGU2013-PREVIEW, 2013.
5. Baza danykh SOPAC (Scripps orbit and permanent array center): http://sopac.
6. Veb-storinka heodezychnoi laboratorii v shtati Nevada (Nevada Geodetic Laboratory): http: //