New occurrence of iron cilicide in the Ukraine. Cosmogenic or telluric nature?

: pp. 101-111
Received: December 14, 2014
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Ivan Franko national university of lviv
Carpathian Branch of Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of NAS of Ukraine
Carpathian branch of S. I. Subbotin name Institute of geophysics of NAS of Ukraine
Ivan Franko national university of Lviv

Several type of particles that is completely or partially  made of iron cilicide  have been collected in different site of Ukraine. Aim. Our objective is to recognize the primary nature of these substance based on detailed study of mineralogy and chemical composition. Methodology. We summarized published information and draw inferences derived from the interpretation of mineralogical, microprobe and x-ray date. Results. Here we distinguished three types of ferrosilicium-bearing particles. First is found as massive partially fused fragments, weight is up to kg, groundmass is made of suessite with cubic microlites of titanium carbide. Second is  irregular or spherical shaped particles, they typically contain two phases with different proportion of iron and silicon, grain size is up to 3mm. Third type this is spherical syngenetic inclusions in mantle corundum. Mantle corundum variety is the characteristic type of diamond-bearing tuffisitic rocks of Western Ural. Mineral include peculiar suite of syngenetic inclusions such as iron cilicide, native iron, intermetallic alloys and oxide phase of Zr-Ti-Al-Fe-Sc-TR system.    Scientific novelty. For the first time first iron silicide Findings in Ukraine were typed and classified. Geological, mineralogical and geochemical date show that second types of iron cilicide appearance  is related to meteoritic substance, two others are undisputed telluric products. In any case  iron cilicide formation corresponds to strongly reduced conditions which appropriate for deep levels (i.e. mantle-core transition or deeper)  of Earth group planets. Practical meaning. So iron cilicide study as well as study of others oxygen-free chemical compound and minerals (silicides, carbides, native metals and their alloys) could have an inestimable value for understanding of planets architecture. Endogenous iron cilicide as well as others common components of mantle explosive association, i.e. oxygen-free minerals and compounds (cilicides, carbides, native metals, intermetallic alloys, ultra-high pressure minerals, primary minerals of kimberlitic  association) can be used as indicator sign for searching and forecast mantle-derived deposits related to explosive activity. These are diamondiferous, polymetallic,  noble metals, TR elements  deposits ets.

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