адміністративно-правовий статус

Peculiarities of the administrative and legal status of judicial bodies as subjects of protection of the citizens right of an environment safe for life and health in Ukraine

The article is devoted to the problem of determining the peculiarities of the administrative and legal status of judicial bodies as subjects of protection of the right of citizens to an environment safe for life and health in Ukraine.

Particular attention is devoted to defining the specifics of the target, structural-organizational and competence blocks of this status.

Features of the administrative and legal status of religious organizations as a collective subject of law

The article highlights the characteristics of the legal status of a religious organization as a participant in administrative relations: non-entrepreneurial nature and non-profit organizational unity, state registration, property separation, the ability to protect their rights in public law, challenge actions and decisions of public authorities, be a plaintiff in court, to carry out activities to satisfy the religious rights and interests of believers and to spread religious beliefs and disciples.

Аdministrative and legal status of non-governmental organizations in ukraine

The article deals with the peculiarities of administrative and legal status of non- governmental organizations in Ukraine, whichis a set of defined rights and obligations in the field of public administration that is provided by specific rules of administrative law.On the basis of the works of native scholars and legal acts of Ukraine the article points outthe elements of the administrative and legal status of non- governmental organizations.

Some of the features of administrative legal status subjects of tax relations

In the scientific article the specific features of administrative and legal status of tax relations. The concept of “legal” and “legal tax entity”.
Reveals the characteristics of tax relations. Emphasized that the tax relationship are defined by categories such as object relationship, the subject of relationships, rights and duties of relationships, the base of relations.