
The paradigm of the development of medical law in Ukraine

The article formulates the paradigm of the development of medical law in Ukraine, and also considers the constituent elements that form it. We believe that the legal relations included in the subject of medical law should be divided into two groups. The first group is represented by those relations that arise during the implementation of medical activities in the process of providing medical assistance. That is, the relationship between the doctor and the patient during the implementation of the first diagnostic, treatment and preventive measures.

Regulatory and legal ensuring the ophthalmic services and assistance provision in Ukraine

The main legislation defining the legal, organizational and socio-economic principles of ensuring the health care of citizens are analyzed, the normative basis for the development of standards and clinical protocols for the treatment of diseases of the organ of vision are considered. The issue of the quality of ophthalmic services was analyzed from the point of view of their compliance with standards, cost efficiency, absence of negative consequences and priority orientation to the needs of the patient.

Problems and directions of improving national health legislation

In the article, based on the analysis of the current national legislation, the main problems of legal regulation of health care in Ukraine are identified and the directions for improvement of the legal framework in this area are outlined. It is noted that the process of forming a high-quality and effective national regulatory framework in the field of health care in Ukraine is burdened with a number of problems.