In the article, based on the analysis of the current national legislation, the main problems of legal regulation of health care in Ukraine are identified and the directions for improvement of the legal framework in this area are outlined. It is noted that the process of forming a high-quality and effective national regulatory framework in the field of health care in Ukraine is burdened with a number of problems.
Most of the proposed projects do not contribute to the effective solution of problems related to health care, but actually deepen them. The consequence of this is a decrease in life expectancy, an increase in mortality, an increase in infectious and non-infectious diseases, a massive spread of viral diseases, etc.
It is concluded that only qualitative reforms in national legislation can create a solid foundation for the development of a successful state. Therefore, it is proposed, firstly, in the future to consider and adopt a number of laws (which are considered in the publication); secondly, the financing of health care needs radical reformation, and, as we have repeatedly noted, the introduction of mandatory medical insurance, in particular, in modern conditions of war.
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