аналітична філософія

Kasimir Twardowski: From Local Philosophical School to Global Recognition. Review of: “Rozum i wola. Kazimierz Twardowski i jego wpływ na kształt kultury polskiej XX wieku”. Jacek Jadacki (red.). Lublin: Wydawnictwo Academicon, 2021. 574 s.

A new collective monograph on the founder of the Lviv-Warsaw School Kazimierz Twardowski, edited by Jacek Jadacki, a professor at the University of Warsaw, deepens our knowledge of this outstanding figure in Polish culture and science. This collective monograph reveals Kazimierz Twardowski as a multifaceted personality: a patriot, a philosopher, a teacher, and a scholar. The review examines all sections of the collective monograph, which are united by a common goal – to show the uniqueness of the figure of Kazimierz Twardowski.

Meaning and Other Problems of the Semantics of Ordinary Language (Foreword to the Ukrainian Translation of H.P. Grice’s Article “Meaning”)

The foreword to the very first Ukrainian translation of H. P. Grice’s article “Meaning” deals with the personality of the famous British-American philosopher, a representative of analytical philosophy, and the importance of his work in the field of semantics and ordinary language philosophy. Translators of this article focus on the features and subtleties of translation into Ukrainian.

Symposium "Kazimierz Twardowski's philosophy: history and contemporary interpretations (the 150th Anniversary of Birth)

On 7 November 2016, Lviv hosted an unusual philosophical event: Symposium “Kazimierz Twardowski’s Philosophy: History and Contemporary Interpretations”. The reason for this was the fact that 2016 is a year of the 150th Anniversary of the philosopher’s birth. This Symposium was organized by Lviv Philosophical Society named after Kazimierz Twardowski and supported by the Institute of Philosophy, the University of Warsaw. A lot of scholars, mainly from Poland and Ukraine, has taken part in this Symposium.