
The Influence of the Activities of Transnational Corporations on the Development of Ukrainian Business Under the Conditions of Marital State

The article examines the essence of the category transnational corporations because of it is major player in the market, determining trends in the formation of demand for goods, the competitiveness of national producers and often dictating the conditions of activity of entire countries. The relevance of this study is due to the increasing role of transnational corporations in the global economy in general and in Ukraine in particular, and their decisive influence on the formation of pricing policy, sales, and the development of certain sectors of the economy.

Planning Export Activities in the Conditions of Entering New Markets

Today, the concept of raising business efficiency to a higher level is a critically important direction of development of the modern Ukrainian economy. 

Building a sustainable and competitive economy contributes to the creation of healthy competition between various market participants, which has a significant impact on the relationship between producers and consumers. This forces manufacturers to focus their attention on the development and modernization of their products. In the long term, it plays a key role for the country as a whole.

The role of public-private partnership in transport infrastructure restoration in Ukraine

Problem setting. Significant attention has been paid to the attraction of investments in the development of transport infrastructure in recent years. However, the imple- mentation of modernization projects in this sector has stopped due to military actions on the territory of Ukraine. Public-private partnership projects  could be a good tool for involvement the investment in this field. But public-private agreements are still not fully used in Ukraine.

Social Responsibility of Business: Concepts, Typology and Formation Factors

In the article the authors analyze the approaches to the definition of “social responsibility”. The paper substantiates the relevance of implementing the principles of corporate social responsibility. The authors study the types of social responsibility and its manifestations. It is concluded that corporate social responsibility initiatives are based on four different categories, namely ethical responsibility, philanthropic responsibility, environmental responsibility and economic responsibility.