цементний камінь

Research of Lime-Ash Plugging Mixtures

Lime-ash plugging mixtures (LAPM) with a density of 1450–1780 kg/m3 have been developed and studied as new and competitive plugging compositions. LAPM consisting of lime and acid fly ash were found to be expanded during setting. The composition of the products formed during LAPM hydration was determined by means of X-ray phase analysis. Kinetic curves of plugging material expansion have been obtained at the temperatures of 348–413 K.

Physico-Chemical Peculiarities of Weighted Thermostable Plugging Materials Hydration

A new competitive class of plugging compositions (weighted non-shrink plugging materials) has been created using as components a fly ash from thermal power station, a weighting additive and a superplasticizer. X-ray phase analysis identified the composition of new materials formed in the hydration process of the developed plugging compositions. The kinetic curves of the plugging material expansion in a wide temperature range have been obtained.