
Application of the theory of dimensions in research of floor materials dispensers In multifactor experiment

Aim. The development of methods of the theory of similarity and dimensionality, criterion values, as an intermediate component between theory and experiment, which ensures a functional connection between entire sets of values that characterize the process at the level of a physical model and simplify the planned experiment. Method. Processes that have a single nature of the interaction of physical phenomena can be used to build mathematical models in the study of a continuous disk dispenser.

The international experience of postwar economy development: the lessons for Ukraine

The article is devoted to issues of developing Ukrainian economy after the war. Damage for Ukrainian economy in 2022 after the aggression of the russian federation in 2022 is enormous. Economic consequences of aggression of the russian federation for Ukraine are comparable to consequences for other countries in XX century after the wars. This fact causes the expediency of studying and using experience on the mentioned countries concerning development of their postwar economies.