Application of the theory of dimensions in research of floor materials dispensers In multifactor experiment

: pp. 13 - 20
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine

Aim. The development of methods of the theory of similarity and dimensionality, criterion values, as an intermediate component between theory and experiment, which ensures a functional connection between entire sets of values that characterize the process at the level of a physical model and simplify the planned experiment. Method. Processes that have a single nature of the interaction of physical phenomena can be used to build mathematical models in the study of a continuous disk dispenser. That is, only those physical processes related to the mechanics of a dispersed body can serve as models for the processes occurring during dosing. In this case, the main processes occurring in the model and nature will have the same equations describing similar processes. Thus, geometric, kinematic and dynamic similarities can be used to model the dosing process. Results. The application of methods of the theory of similarity and dimensionality, criterion values, as an intermediate component between theory and experiment, ensures a functional connection between entire sets of values that characterize the process at the level of a physical model. Scientific novelty. The use of dimensionality theory in a factorial planned experiment allows to reduce the number of factors, simplifies the mathematical interpretation of the nature of the response criterion and provides a graphical representation in the form of a 3-D model. Access to the fundamental similarity numbers confirms the reliability of the model and expands the number of factors that characterize the physics of the process directly through the similarity numbers. Practical value. The method of transforming the factor space by the methods of the theory of dimensional similarity and enabling the formation of criterion values, as an intermediate component between theory and experiment, which provides a functional connection between entire sets of values that characterize the process at the level of a physical model and simplifies the conduct of a planned experiment for processes and systems, which are characterized by a significant number of factors.


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