criminal offense

Hierarchical Structure as a Characteristic of a Criminal Organization

Abstract. Criminal organizations are complex and structured entities that operate within society with the aim of engaging in illegal activities and generating profits through criminal means. One of the key characteristics of such organizations is their hierarchical structure, which plays a significant role in the functioning and sustainability of these groups. It allows for the efficient distribution of tasks, the control of members' activities, and ensures the organization's long-term operation despite external threats.

Exemption from Criminal Liability under Criminal Procedural Law

This research article discusses problem of crime in contemporary Ukrainian society and ways to
address it through the application of alternative responses to criminal offenses, particularly exemption
from criminal liability, are considered. The mechanisms and practical aspects of applying this institution
in Ukrainian criminal procedural law are analyzed. This article pays special attention to the role of
various subjects of the criminal process, such as the court, the prosecutor, the victim and the suspect, in

The Concept and Legal Nature of the Institution of Exemption From Punishment and Its Serving

The article reveals the concept and legal nature of the institution of exemption from punishment and its serving since this institution is closely related to both the purpose of punishment and the tasks of criminal responsibility in general. In this regard, exemption from serving a sentence requires a more detailed study.

The mechanism of theft of others' property using information technologies

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the mechanism of embezzlement of someone else's property, which is carried out using information technologies in the context of current legislation. The methodological basis was a systematic approach to the study of the mechanism of criminal offenses related to the theft of other people's property and the influence of information technologies. The main role was played by general scientific methods, historical, logical, comparative, generalization and classification, analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction.

On the issue of exemption from criminal responsibility in connection with reconciliation of the offender with the victim

The article outlines that the norms of the current Criminal Code of Ukraine provide options for the possible post-criminal behavior of a person who has committed a criminal offense, which represent a legally significant action or inaction, or their combination, and which may subsequently affect the order and features of bringing the offender to criminal liability.

Criminal liability for evasion of payment of taxes, fees (mandatory payments): a modern view of the problem

The article analyses the theoretical and legal aspects of criminal liability for evasion of taxes and fees (mandatory payments) in the current context. In particular, the authors analyse the concept and features of criminal liability, as well as the grounds for its occurrence.

Understanding the post-criminal behavior of the offender, who committed a criminal offense

Abstract. The article focuses on the fact that the sphere of behavior of a person, which today is regulated by the legislation of Ukraine on criminal liability, and which in connection with this becomes the object of an official assessment, is actually much wider than criminally punishable acts, and primarily, it concerns legally significant treatment of a person after committing a criminal offense. Such behavior is called "post-criminal", "post-criminal" or "post-criminal".

Problems of determining the concept “Criminal legal qualification”

The issue of defining the concept of "criminal legal qualification" was considered. It is noted that in order to regulate the most important social relations, the state adopts laws that establish generally accepted rules of behavior. The law on criminal liability is one of the important means of protecting life, health, honor, dignity, inviolability and security of a person as the highest social value, the state system of Ukraine, its political and economic systems, property and the entire legal order from criminal encroachments and a means of combating them.

Differences in the criminal law regulations of liability for fraud in the legislation of some foreign countries

Abstract. During the last decade, there has been an interest in comparative legal studies concerning the science of criminal law. A significant change in the conditions of social life and the desire to adhere to the principles accepted by the peoples of developed countries require the study of foreign experience and sometimes taking information from international law.

Conducting a search during the investigation of illegal traffic of poisonous or strong medicinal products

The article examines the illegal handling of poisonous or potent drugs, which poses a danger to the health of the population, since the uncontrolled circulation of such items threatens an indefinite circle of participants in social relations. The article defines the tactical tasks of the investigation of criminal offenses and the algorithm for conducting such investigative (search) action as a search.