
Алгоритмічне та програмне забезпечення системи моделювання та аналізу процесу сушіння капілярно-пористих матеріалів

Сформульовано математичну модель тепломасоперенесення та деформування капілярно-пористих матеріалів під час сушіння. У межах об’єктно-орієнтованого підходу розроб- лено алгоритмічне та програмне забезпечення для чисельної реалізації отриманої моделі.

In the article is formulated a mathematical model of heat and mass transfer and deformation of capillary-porous materials during drying. In the object-oriented approach developed algorithmic and software for numerical realization of the obtained model.

Wood Polymer Composite Based on a Styrene and Triethoxy(Vinylphenethyl)silane

Today obtaining environmentally friendly wood composite materials is one of the main tasks. The urea-, phenol-, and melamine-formaldehyde resins used today are harmful to the human body and have a long-lasting effect. Therefore, replacing these and other resins with safe binders is one of the major problems.

Математичне моделювання та аналіз деформаційно-релаксаційного стану в деревині у процесі сушіння

The article develops a mathematical model of non-isothermal moisture transfer and viscoelastic deformation of wood during drying, which takes into account the anisotropy and variability of heat-mechanic characteristics. By finite element method was formulated by the implementation of mathematical models for viscoelasticity with regard to the accumulation of irreversible deformation. By object-oriented analysis is designed and implemented software implementation model in the form of documented classes.

Mathematical simulation of hight-temperature drying of wood

The article implemented mathematical modelling of processes of heat-mass-transfer and viscous-elastic deformation in in hygroscopic capillary-porous materials with variable anisotropic heat and mechanics characteristics what is of importance for the rational choice and substantiation of energy conservative technologies of timber drying under the conditions of necessary qualitative production providing.

The Protection of Wooden Constructing Materials and Structural Elements of Buildings Against Biological Damage

The methods of wooden building materials protection from biological damage were analysed. Constant technical monitoring is the main preventive measure against damage of structural elements of the wooden buildings. The most effective methods from biological damage are chemical treatment, capillary infiltration, diffusion treatment and impregnation under pressure.