
Determinants of Juvenile Deviant Behavior

Abstract. Deviant behavior of minors manifests in various forms and with different degrees of intensity, influenced by external social environments and the individual characteristics of the minor's personality, which shape their reactions to various life challenges.

Behavior that deviates from generally accepted expectations can be either constructive or destructive, and deviant behavior, accordingly, can be positive or negative. The evaluation of such behavior is based on the social consequences of the deviation.

Рhilosophical and legal smyslozmistovnoho measurement problem deviant consciousness

The article is devoted to one of the main problems of philosophy of law, namely the phenomenon of deviant minds, including its smyslozmistovniy essence. The attention is focused on solving the fundamental problem of social science: the study of the meaning and content of the factors that motivate people to deviant minds. The author analyzes the determinants that influence the formation of deviant consciousness and its manifestations.

Genesis of personality in the light of philosophical and legal determinants

In the article the one of the main problems of philosophy of law, namely the formation of personality in the context of a combination of social and individual in this institution. The purpose of this article is to focus on solving the fundamental problem of social science: identity formation in the light of philosophical and legal determinants. A correlation between individual and social factors of personality and the formation of man as a full member of society.

Determination of administrative offenses in the field ofintellectual property

The article covers an issue of determination of certain conditions and reasons (grounds) that encourage administrative violations and stimulate the adoption of preventive measures by separate state bodies in the field of intellectual property rights. Besides, it is accentuated on the designation in a process of administrative violations determination of functional, statistic and links of reason.