Determinants of Juvenile Deviant Behavior

: pp. 60 - 66

Цитування за ДСТУ: Канарський В. (2024) Детермінанти девіантної поведінки неповнолітніх. Вісник Національного університету «Львівська політехніка». Серія: "Юридичні науки". Том. 11, № 4 (44), С. 60-66. DOI:

Citation APA: Kanarsky V. (2024) Determinants of deviant behavior of minors. Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: “Legal Sciences”. Vol. 11, № 4 (44), С. 60-66. DOI:

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education

Abstract. Deviant behavior of minors manifests in various forms and with different degrees of intensity, influenced by external social environments and the individual characteristics of the minor's personality, which shape their reactions to various life challenges.

Behavior that deviates from generally accepted expectations can be either constructive or destructive, and deviant behavior, accordingly, can be positive or negative. The evaluation of such behavior is based on the social consequences of the deviation.

The article establishes that within the framework of criminological research, the focus is on negative deviant behavior of minors, which may result in criminal responsibility (in accordance with the Criminal Code of Ukraine) or may not lead to such responsibility (e.g., withdrawal from social contact, self-isolation, or avoidance of societal norms and interaction with others; behavior contrary to common communication norms, such as rudeness; alcohol consumption by minors, which may not yet lead to offenses but is socially unacceptable; behavior that violates aesthetic or moral standards but is not illegal, such as extreme forms of tattooing or piercing; protest behavior, for instance, ignoring traditions or deliberately breaking etiquette; or actions by minors that have the objective signs of criminal offenses, but the perpetrators have not yet reached the age of criminal liability).

The article states that there is no single theory of deviant behavior, including among minors. However, all researchers agree on the following point: eliminating certain factors can significantly reduce the likelihood of deviant behavior, but only a systematic approach to addressing all determinants of deviance provides grounds to talk about a high probability of significantly reducing or partially eradicating such actions.

Deviant behavior is a complex form of social behavior influenced by a range of interconnected factors. 

Thus, in each case of deviant behavior, it is insufficient to investigate only biological, psychological, or social factors. A comprehensive approach that considers all these factors together is necessary, as such behavior results from the unsuccessful socialization of youth: due to disruptions in the processes of identification and individualization, such individuals are prone to "social disorganization," where cultural norms, values, and social ties are either absent, weakened, or in conflict with each other.

It is important to create conditions for preventing negative deviant behavior, particularly through the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, fostering a favorable socio-psychological climate in the child's environment, and providing opportunities for personal self-realization in society.

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