
Assessment of qualifications of doctors as a tool for quality management of medical aid in Ukraine

The article analyzes the mechanism of certification of doctors. A comparative characterization of the legislative framework, which regulates the certification of doctors, was carried out. It was found that the certification, which in its essence should be an assessment of the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of the doctor, in practice is only the submission of documents confirming the obtained points of continuous professional development.

On the Problem of Human Resources in Ukrainian Private Health Care

The article is devoted to the scientific analysis of human resources in the healthcare system of Ukraine, particularly in the private sector. The study is specifically concerned with the current staffing of the healthcare system of Ukraine with doctors and junior specialists with medical education. We analyzed the ratio of the main quantitative indicators of medical workforce in healthcare institutions of different forms of ownership, as well as the dynamics of indicators representing involvement of doctors of different specialties in the private healthcare practice.