
Визначення парамерів подвійного електричного шару для моделювання корозії на межі метал–електроліт

Запропоновано структуру математичного моделювання корозії на межі «метал- електроліт». Визначено ємність і ефективну товщину подвійного електричного шару без урахування розподілу зарядів у електроліті.

The structure of mathematical modelling of corrosive processes on a interface ‘metal- electrolyte’ is offered. Capacity and effective thickness of double electric layer without the account of distributing of charges in an electrolyte is determine.

Surface Modification of Gallium Arsenide by Electrochemical Methods in Different Electrolyte Compositions

We present the study of the n-GaAs surface modification by the electrochemical etching in different electrolyte compositions. The possibility of forming the different micromorphology types on the identical GaAs samples, in particular the possibility of forming the crystallographic, defective-dislocation, and isotope interfaces, was investigated.

Samarium-Doped Ceria/Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Composite Prepared by Solid State Reaction

A research on the preparation of composite samarium-doped ceria (SDC) with yttrium-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) has been conducted at the SDC:YSZ ratio of 0:1; 1:9; 1:1; 9:1 and 1:0. This research aims to investigate the crystal structure and the ionic conductivity of the prepared materials. XRD analysis equipped with Le Bail refinement was used to analyze the crystal structure, space group, cell parameters, and cell volume. Meanwhile, the ionic conductivity was determined by impedance measurement.