environmental law

Problems of the Supremacy of Environmental Law in the Context of Country Legislation

There is a wide range of substantive and procedural rights related to the environment (sometimes called «environmental rights»).

These include material rights, such as the rights to a healthy environment, to life, and to clean air and water. They also include procedural rights such as rights to access to information, public participation in environmental protection, access to justice and non-discrimination.

Protection of environmental rights: theoretical and practiological nature

The article is devoted to the analysis from the point of view of theoretical jurisprudence and practical aspect of protection of ecological rights in the modern globalized society. It is emphasized that the environment is the common property of mankind, it is important to find progressive and multifaceted solutions to protect and enrich it. These decisions are comprehensive and include legal, institutional and organizational and managerial measures.

Environmental law in research and teaching

The article is devoted to certain issues of development of environmental law as a branch and coverage of these issues in the teaching of the relevant discipline. Thus, it is stated that in addition to the actual issues of legislative regulation, the content of the discipline should be enriched not only by reflecting the rules of environmental law in law enforcement, in particular, judicial practice, but also their perception of public consciousness, problematic aspects and prospects for improvement.