The article is devoted to certain issues of development of environmental law as a branch and coverage of these issues in the teaching of the relevant discipline. Thus, it is stated that in addition to the actual issues of legislative regulation, the content of the discipline should be enriched not only by reflecting the rules of environmental law in law enforcement, in particular, judicial practice, but also their perception of public consciousness, problematic aspects and prospects for improvement.
Another important component of the discipline is the scientific component, and of particular interest seems to be the comparison of domestic and world, in particular, European contexts. It is emphasized that the release of the Digest of Judicial Practice of the Supreme Court in disputes arising in the field of environmental protection and environmental rights (2019) is a significant milestone in raising environmental awareness of both judges and society in general, shows a change of approach from the resolution of environmental cases to the actual protection of environmental rights of citizens and the environment, which should be the goal of a fair trial. At the same time, the level of environmental and legal awareness of citizens cannot be considered satisfactory and needs to be increased. The results of a recent sociological survey "Environmental protection and citizens of Ukraine: a study of practices, values and judgments" (May 2018) and "Environmental portrait of the citizen of Ukraine: comparisons with the EU and recommendations" ( September 2018).
Emphasis is placed on comparing trends in domestic and European science. At first glance, there are opposite trends. Thus, in Ukraine there are warnings against artificial erosion of the subject of environmental law, the addition of economic and legal, agricultural and legal elements. In European science, there are persistent tendencies to the greening of all branches of law, the deep penetration of environmental norms into private law, up to a rethinking of the institution of private property. This is part of a larger global trend of readjustment of the entire system of legal regulation in the direction of greening.
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