
Конкурентні переваги проекту системи підтримки прийняття рішень та фактори ризику

Описано конкурентні переваги розроблення та впровадження системи підтримки прийняття рішень. Наведено критерії оцінювання і можливі фактори ризику проекту СППР.

Description of competitive edges of development and introduction of the decision- making support system is offered in the article. Evaluation criteria and the risk factors of DSS project are resulted.

Social Responsibility of Business: Concepts, Typology and Formation Factors

In the article the authors analyze the approaches to the definition of “social responsibility”. The paper substantiates the relevance of implementing the principles of corporate social responsibility. The authors study the types of social responsibility and its manifestations. It is concluded that corporate social responsibility initiatives are based on four different categories, namely ethical responsibility, philanthropic responsibility, environmental responsibility and economic responsibility.

Analysis of Factors Influence on Tolling Operations of Enterprises

A lot of factors from the domestic, national and international environment have a significant influence on the decision to initiate tolling cooperation and its continuation. In today’s hyperdynamic and extremely uncertain economic conditions it has been substantiated that correlation-regression modeling is the most effective tool for quantitative analysis of the factors influencing the enterprise's tolling operations.

Formation of electrical products market conditions

The analysis of the current research in the field of industrial products market conducted in the article gives reason to believe that now there is no single definition of "market conditions". Usually, some researchers do not distinguish the specific characteristics of the market, do not include temporary factors and the nature of the entities in a changing market environment.