A lot of factors from the domestic, national and international environment have a significant influence on the decision to initiate tolling cooperation and its continuation. In today’s hyperdynamic and extremely uncertain economic conditions it has been substantiated that correlation-regression modeling is the most effective tool for quantitative analysis of the factors influencing the enterprise's tolling operations.
To develop a correlation-regression dependence, there was identified the key internal factors (state and level of use of production capacities of the enterprise and state of social and personnel support of the enterprise) and external factors (level of efficiency of work of customs authorities in the field of customs clearance and control of tolling operations, state of relations with counterparties, state of infrastructure in the country) that influence on the selected resultant indicator – the volume of export of products manufactured by the processing enterprise on the basis of raw materials.
As a result of the performed regression modeling, statistically adequate regression models were constructed, reflecting quantitative dependencies between the investigated dependent resultant indicator and independent internal and external factors. For both models, the multiple correlation coefficients approach one, indicating that there is a close relationship between the resultant and factor indicators. In this case, the established absence of multicollinearity (tight coupling) between the independent variables of the two models also confirms their reliability. In addition, the adequacy of the constructed models is evidenced by the excess of the calculated value of the Fisher criterion over its critical value in both cases. The results of correlation-regression analysis make it possible to conclude that the volume of exports of finished goods produced by processing enterprises on the basis of the raw materials depends on such internal factor indicators (capacity use indicator, production quality indicator, level of competence of workers who perform tolling operations) and external factor indicators (indicator of quality of performance of contractual obligations by tollinger, indicator of quality of logistics infrastructure in the region of the processing enterprise, the coefficient of quality of customs provision of the tolling sphere in the region of the processing enterprise).
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