
Senses, Experience and Metaphysics. Overview of: Papineau, D. (2021). Metaphysics of Sensory Experience. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 163 pp.

         The work of David Papineau, the British scientist and philosopher, professor of the King’s College of London and the University of New York, former teacher of the University of Cambridge, is considered. The author analyzes the theories of sensory perception and experience, explains the advantages and disadvantages of each of them, in particular the theory of naive realism and representationalism.

Reffering to the Life and Work of Roman Ingarden (Review of the collective monograph “Philosophy of Roman Ingarden and the Modernity”. Ed. by Dm. Shevchuk. Ostroh: Publishing House of the National University “Ostroh Academy”, 2021)

The content and main issues of the collective monograph “Philosophy of Roman Ingarden and Modernity” edited by Dmytro Shevchuk, issued on materials of the International Conference, which took place in Lutsk at the National University “Ostroh Academy”. In this monograph covered the views and fundamental problems of the famous Polish philosopher in the field of ontology, epistemology, anthropology, axiology, philosophy of literature. We can assume that the authors of the monograph managed to achieve the goal: outlined the significance of R.

Сoncept of personality: comparative analysis philosophical and legal schools

This article provides a comparative analysis of the concept of individual fundamental philosophical and legal schools. The founder of modern personalism of E. Mounier believed that the “I” man is the “primary reality”, and it is, in his opinion, there is a premise and reality of historical works. Personality – center reorientation objective universumu who reached the level of personal existence, is the subject of creating their own human reality.

Induced polarization as electromagnetic phenomenon (general phenomenological theory)

The fact that about thirty years ago geophysicists began to analyze the induced polarization (IP) as an electromagnetic (EM) phenomenon has induced the authors to prepare a current review generalizing the experience. The generalization is done based on General Phenomenological Theory (GPT) of EM Field in Heterogeneous Geological Medium, suggested by the authors. In this case, EM properties of the medium depend on time and frequency of the field.