This article provides a comparative analysis of the concept of individual fundamental philosophical and legal schools. The founder of modern personalism of E. Mounier believed that the “I” man is the “primary reality”, and it is, in his opinion, there is a premise and reality of historical works. Personality – center reorientation objective universumu who reached the level of personal existence, is the subject of creating their own human reality. Existentialism highlights the uniqueness of human life, paying great attention to the emotional and spiritual state of the individual. Spirituality is defined as despair, guilt, responsibility.
The phenomenon of personality is not a special object of study of phenomenology and philosophical anthropology. As you know, the first of which examines the complex structural elements essential unity of consciousness relationships in order to identify the boundary characteristics, the original foundations of knowledge and of human existence and culture, and the second – nature and human nature in the unity of its organic features, spiritual and emotional sphere, cognitive building and socio-cultural skills.
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