
Investigation of the interrelationship between changes and redistribution of angular momentum of the Earth, the Antarctic tectonic plate, the atmosphere, and the ocean.

Purpose. The purpose of this work is elaboration of the results of long-term GNSS-observations at permanent stations located on the Antarctic tectonic plate; the determination of the change in its rotational parameters and angular momentum, the calculation of the angular momentum of the Earth, the oceanic and atmospheric masses, and the establishment of the interrelationship between these parameters. Methods.

Analysis of the results of vertical crust movement velocities of the European coastline per the tide gauge and GNSS-observation data

Purpose. The purpose of the study is to detect and investigate the differences in determining vertical crust movement velocities (VCMV) in Europe applying two independent methods: tide gauge and GNSS-observations. Methodology. As the result of the average crust movement velocity calculation applying tide gauge ( ± ) and GNSS-observations ( ± ) the interpolation of vertical crust movement velocities has been conducted (  and ),at points equally set-along the European coastline (every 10 km), their mean-square error (  and ) has been determined.