hardware and software

Hardware and software provision of the vibration acceleration spectrum monitoring system

Among all types of mechanical influences, vibration is the most dangerous for technical objects. Alternating stresses caused by vibration contribute to the accumulation of damage in materials, system design, and failure. The destruction of the object occurs quite quickly under vibrational influences under the conditions of resonance, at the same time, vibration causes a violation of the physiological and functional states of a person.

Organizing of the seismic monitoring of nuclear power plants of Ukraine

The basic directions of the Action Plan to assess seismic hazard and seismic check of existing nuclear power plants, approved SNRCU and NNEGC "Energoatom", which is the basis for work on seismic monitoring systems of nuclear power plant in Ukraine are represented. The experience of expert of IGPH NAS in this field is explined. The basic principles, their aims and objectives are explined too. The spesification for the Rivne NPP is represented as an example. The situation for each of NPP is outlined for short term.