Information System for the Educational Center

The goal of the research of the qualification thesis is the development of an intelligent information system of the educational centre using the Python programming language and the Django framework, the SQLite database system, and the chatbot with artificial intelligence ChatGPT. The developed system should facilitate the interaction of different types of users with learning/training centres in order to acquire new necessary skills. As you know, from now on every day more and more educational centres are opening, which provide their services for the study of this or that ability.

Smart Information Board Based on PSOC 6 MCU

Nowadays, the development of electronics and related technologies is very fast. An extremely significant role in the life of moder society is took by information output devices, the development and modernization of which is an urgent task. Using the idea regarding wireless control of remote devices, an information board with remote control was developed. This article provides a reader with the development of universal information board which customers will be able to assemble for the dimensions that they need.

Вирішення проблем асоціації ресурсів дисципліни при переході на платформу moodle 2.x

Описано нові можливості ВНС ЛП (Moodle) версії 2.0. Показано два шляхи вирішення головної проблеми, що виникла у частини дисциплін при переході ВНС ЛП з версії 1.9.х на версію 2.0.х, а саме проблеми з відкриттям ресурсів у вигляді прямих посилань на файл. 

Described the new features of VNS LP (Moodle) version 2.0. Shown two ways to solve the main problem that arose in some courses after update VNS LP version from 1.9.x to 2.0.x, namely trouble opening resources with direct links to the file.