
Problems and prospects of investment support of ukrainian enterprises under european integration conditions

This article considers the problems and prospects of investment support of Ukrainian enterprises under European integration conditions.

A review of literature sources on the problem of investment support.

The dynamics of capital investments in the industry of Ukraine for the period 2015-2019 years is analyzed. The structure of foreign direct investments (share capital, debt instruments) in Ukraine for the period 2015-2019 years is analyzed. The structure of capital investments by sources of financing in Ukraine in 2019 year is investigated.

Priority problems of the work of Ukrainian customs authorities in terms of European and Euro-atlantic Integration

Today, more and more companies focus on problems in customs clearance of products crossing the border during the implementation of export-import activities. In the context of European and Euro- Atlantic integration, which promote the accession of Ukrainian enterprises to the single European market, one of the priority tasks is the urgent solution of existing problems in the customs sphere.

Basics of Economic Assessment of Business Projects in Digital Business in the Conditions of European Integration

The realities of domestic companies’ activities necessitate a more thorough approach not only to the processes of business project management in the digital business in the conditions of European integration, but also to the economic justification of the relevant project solutions. Reasonability and necessity to use a variety of methodological tools for such economic substantiation can be different.

Key Trends in the Development of Customs Systems in the Conditions of Globalization and European Integration

In modern conditions, the dynamic development of international trade in Europe, on the one hand, increases the economic competitiveness of the state and strengthens its financial and economic condition, and on the other hand, causes significant threats to national security, its markets and society associated with illegal movement of international supply chains.

Specificity of the Formation of a Strategy for the Development of National Road Carriers

The development of road transport enterprises is in the interests of many shareholders, so the studying of theoretical, methodological and applied aspects of strategy formation is extremely important. The aim of the article is to study the general macroeconomic trends on the Freight market and systematize theoretical approaches in the context of identifying specific industry strategies. The methodological basis is a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the strategic opportunities of motor transport enterprises.

Development of Ukrainian Agriculture Industry in Conditions of European Integration

Analyzing the state of business environment of Ukraine in comparison with other countries (according to Doing Business 2020 rating) revealed positive tendencies of its development. Ukraine ranks 64th out of 190 countries, which is 7 positions above 2019’s rating and 12 above 2018’s.

Quality standards conformity assessment in the European Union

The article is dedicated to the topical issue of the realization of the European quality standards conformity assessment procedure, which is undergoing an active transition in connection with the harmonization of the domestic system of standards. In particular, the need to pass conformity assessment in a foreign certification center is considered in order to obtain further opportunities for placing products on the EU markets.

Impulsive causes of migration in modern conditions

The article explores migration processes, arising in modern transitive society and differently influencing the development of both donor states and recipient states. Present-day impulsive causes of migration are considered in the article. Peculiarities of contemporary migration processes, taking place in Ukraine, in the context of European integration are studied.

Integration into European and world structures countries of east central Europe: prospects for Ukraine

The “velvet revolution” in Central and Eastern Europe and geopolitical changes on the European continent in the late ХХ century contributed to the formation of a new system of foreign policy priorities of the States in the region. The main task was to integrate into the European Union.

Features of european integration process of poland: internal and foreign policies dimensions

This work describes specific features, basic stages, and dynamics of the eurointegration process of Poland. The objective of this research is to clarify peculiarities of the process of European integration of Poland, in particular, the analysis of the internal policy (which is converting of different spheres of public life aimed at compliance with the European standards) as well as foreign policy (diplomatic negotiations with the EU structures and participating in international organizations as a factor of European integration acceleration) constituents.