The development of road transport enterprises is in the interests of many shareholders, so the studying of theoretical, methodological and applied aspects of strategy formation is extremely important. The aim of the article is to study the general macroeconomic trends on the Freight market and systematize theoretical approaches in the context of identifying specific industry strategies. The methodological basis is a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the strategic opportunities of motor transport enterprises. Some issues, connected with the formation process and approaches to the strategies classification of road transport enterprises have been studyied by M.N. Bednyak, V.V. Bilichenko, K.L. Zheleznyak, O.V. Klepikova, O.P. Levchenko, G.V. Mitchenko, Yu. A. Palamarchuk, E.V. Smirnova, I.V. Shevchenko, V.G. Shinkarenko, S.V. Tsymbal and others.
The studying of general macroeconomic trends has demonstrated the existence of market opportunities for the development of road transport enterprises. Due to competitive advantages, changes in the national economy, the European development orientation of the national socio-economic system and the importance of road transport in the EU, the volume of freight traffic will increase. Systematization of theoretical approaches in the context of identifying specific industry strategies has led to a number of conclusions: the development strategy of the motor transport enterprise is the result of a focused vision of the priority areas of economic activity transformation; knowledge on the formation of the development road transport enterprises strategy is at the stage of generation scientific thought, situational and is a set of facts based on the results of theoretical and experimental research; differentiation of conceptual approaches and polygraphy of the theoretical basis creates a scientific discussion on the specific content classical types of strategies without changing the generally accepted classification.
The main aspects of this studying are to find ways to form a strategy for road transport companies that can lead to stability, recovery and sustainability of business operations in unstable economic conditions, and are oriented on value creation, investing with a return higher than the cost of capital.
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