Історична пам'ять

Historical memory in the context of philosophical and religious ideas and the "museuming" of being: methodological observations

As based on the legacy of Ukrainian philosophers of 1830s–1950s specific features of interaction  between aforesaid elements of the title during analysis of the idea of God and the system of His names in relation to the idea of truth and completeness of (inter)religious communications have been discussed for the first time. The system of such interactions results from particular properties of tempo-rhythmical manifestations in (inter)religious communications and interdisciplinary space.

History Museum as a Factor of Reconciliation and Public Dialogue

In the research on historical memory it has been established that manipulation of reminiscences and memory became a most powerful tool in managing of individual and social consciousness. Conflicts of historical memory in a society are always dangerous because they threaten with destabilization, disintegration. The most controversial problems of collective memory of the Ukrainian people and their neighbors relate to history of the XX century, especially the World War II and its manipulations causes a deeper social conflict, destabilizes social situation.