judicial practice

Institute of rehabilitation of illegally convicted persons as an important component of the development of the legal system of Ukraine

This article examines the institution of rehabilitation of illegally convicted persons in the legal system of Ukraine. It was determined that the rehabilitation of illegally convicted persons in the legal system of Ukraine is an important step for ensuring justice and restoring trust in justice. It has been studied that the institution of rehabilitation of illegally convicted persons plays an important role in the legal system of Ukraine, having a significant impact on the development of justice and the protection of human rights.

European convention of human rights in judgments in Urgenda case

The article analyzes the decision of the Supreme Court of the Netherlands in a case brought by a NGO Urgenda. The arguments of the courts of different instances regarding the possibility of applying the rules of the European Convention of Human Rights in the cases of climate change are highlighted. It is stated that the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court of the Netherlands have applied Art. 2 and 8 of the Convention in their classic sense by the European Court of Human Rights