Institute of rehabilitation of illegally convicted persons as an important component of the development of the legal system of Ukraine

: 243-248

Цитування за ДСТУ: Осьмак А. (2024) Інститут реабілітації незаконно засуджених осіб як важлива компонента розвитку правової системи України. Вісник Національного університету «Львівська політехніка». Серія: "Юридичні науки". Том 11, № 1(41), С. 243-248. 

Citation APA: Osmak A. (2024) Institute of rehabilitation of illegally convicted persons as an important component of the development of the legal system of Ukraine. Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences. Vol. 11, No. 1(41), pp. 243-248.

Lviv Polytechnic National University

This article examines the institution of rehabilitation of illegally convicted persons in the legal system of Ukraine. It was determined that the rehabilitation of illegally convicted persons in the legal system of Ukraine is an important step for ensuring justice and restoring trust in justice. It has been studied that the institution of rehabilitation of illegally convicted persons plays an important role in the legal system of Ukraine, having a significant impact on the development of justice and the protection of human rights. It is highlighted that the purpose of rehabilitation is to make decisions that will contribute to the full or partial restoration of all rights and freedoms of illegally convicted or illegally persecuted persons, as well as compensation for property and moral damage caused to them, and their integration into society as full-fledged citizens.

The main values of the institution of rehabilitation of illegally convicted persons in the legal system of Ukraine are highlighted: 1) restoration of justice; 2) provision of compensation; 3) strengthening of trust in the judicial system; 4) prevention of judicial errors; 5) guaranteeing human rights. The article emphasizes two types of rehabilitation: 1) full rehabilitation, which provides for the complete release of a person from criminal responsibility or from serving a sentence (after an acquittal is rendered or after the proceedings are closed on rehabilitation grounds); 2) partial rehabilitation - occurs when only some measures of procedural coercion are recognized as illegal, but the criminal proceedings are ongoing at the same time.

It is concluded that the institution of rehabilitation of illegally convicted persons in the legal system of Ukraine is a key mechanism for ensuring justice and protecting human rights. It is designed to restore the violated rights and freedoms of victims, giving them the opportunity to rehabilitate in society and return to a normal life. This institution also plays an important role in improving citizens' trust in the judicial system and state institutions.

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