
System of Subjects of Administrative and Legal Support of Cybersecurity

This article analyzes the role of administrative bodies in ensuring cyber security from a legal and administrative perspective. The key functions and tasks they perform for effective management and protection of information resources and cyber infrastructure are considered, as well as the importance of the role of subjects of administrative and legal protection of cyber security in the formation of strategies and policies aimed at ensuring cyber security is highlighted, and their contribution to the creation of a secure and stable cyberspace.

Legal Mechanisms for Ensuring Information Security in Ukraine

The article considers the legal mechanisms for ensuring information security. It has been proven that today, more than ever, when there is a war in Ukraine, the issue of ensuring information security becomes especially relevant and significant, as the information space becomes a «battlefield» on a par with the war front. Enemy forces actively use informational and psychological operations to destabilize the situation inside our country, create panic, spread fakes and undermine trust in state institutions.

Overview of the Cis Benchmarks Usage for Fulfilling the Requirements From International Standard ISO/IEC 27001:2022

nding to emerging threats through the implementation of recognized standards in the field of information security, such as ISO 27001, was considered. The updated edition of the international standard ISO/IEC 27001 of 2022 and, in particular, the main changes in the structure of controls were analyzed. A detailed analysis of the new security control from Appendix A – A.8.9 – Configuration Management and possible ways of its effective implementation in organizations were carried out.

Utilization of Voice Embeddings in Integrated Systems for Speaker Diarization and Malicious Actor Detection

This paper explores the use of diarization systems which employ advanced machine learning algorithms for the precise detection and separation of different speakers in audio recordings for the implementation of an intruder detection system. Several state-of-the-art diarization models including Nvidia’s NeMo, Pyannote and SpeechBrain are compared. The performance of these models is evaluated using typical metrics used for the diarization systems, such as diarization error rate (DER) and Jaccard error rate (JER).

Development of a Method for Investigating Cybercrimes by the Type of Ransomware Using Artificial Intelligence Models in the Information Security Management System of Critical Infrastructure

In this article, the authors focused on analyzing the possibilities of using artificial intelligence models for effective detection and analysis of cybercrimes. A comprehensive method using artificial intelligence algorithms, such as Random Forest and Isolation Forest algorithms, is developed and described to detect ransomware, which is one of the main threats to information security management systems (ISMS) in the field of critical infrastructure.

Legal aspects of cybersecurity in Ukraine: current challenges and the role of national legislation

Summary. The article identifies the peculiarities of the current state of cybersecurity in Ukraine and emphasizes the importance of applying effective legislation aimed at protecting the cyber structure, as well as choosing the best tools and mechanisms to combat cyber threats.

Online risks in modern conditions: problems and ways to overcome

It was emphasized that ensuring the safety of children is one of the priority tasks of the state. Today, in the conditions of rapid digital development, new challenges and threats to the well-being of children appear, which require the search for effective tools to overcome them and provide a comprehensive approach to ensuring the safety of children in cyberspace.


The most common problems faced by modern information and communication systems (ICS) in the context of combating cyber threats were examined in the paper. The importance of ensuring the reliable operation of ICS, and protecting their users' private data from unauthorized interception or destruction was emphasized. The main principles of effective protection of ICS systems against possible interference in their work were defined. The classification of cyber threats and their impact on the functioning of information systems was presented.

Managing the Activities of Cybersecurity Professionals in the Context of Full-Scale Intrusion

In this study dedicated to the management of cybersecurity professionals in the context of full-scale intrusion, significant aspects of this pressing issue have been examined. Drawing from an analysis of the content of cybersecurity professionals' activities and their core concepts, it has been identified that this field encompasses various facets requiring diverse skills and knowledge from these experts. Specifically, cybersecurity experts must possess technical expertise, understand threats and risks, detect and thwart cyberattacks, and adhere to ethical and legal standards.

Cyber security of the banking sector of Ukraine: concepts, problems and experience of foreign countries

The article is devoted to the analysis of the current state and challenges in the field of cyber security in the banking sector of Ukraine. The work examines the key concepts and main aspects of cyber security in the context of the banking sector, especially because of the growing requirements for the protection of data and financial transactions in the digital space.