The article is devoted to the analysis of the current state and challenges in the field of cyber security in the banking sector of Ukraine. The work examines the key concepts and main aspects of cyber security in the context of the banking sector, especially because of the growing requirements for the protection of data and financial transactions in the digital space. The problems faced by the banking sphere of Ukraine in the context of cyber security are analyzed in detail, including issues of regulation, risk management, investments in the protection of information systems, and countering cybercrime.
The article pays special attention to the experience of foreign countries in the field of cyber security of banks. Analyzes how foreign countries implement best practices and technologies to protect their systems and customer data. This provides possible directions for improving cyber security in the Ukrainian banking sector.
The article ends with conclusions and recommendations regarding the development of a cyber security strategy for the banking sector of Ukraine, taking into account both internal challenges and the experience of international partners. They emphasize the need to change the paradigm of "cyber crime investigation" to "cyber risk prevention"
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