
Project of electronic content commerce system development and implementation

In the given article the main problems of electronic content commerce and functional services of commercial content processing are analyzed. The proposed model gives an opportunity to create an instrument of information resources processing in electronic content commerce systems (ECCS) and to implement the subsystem of commercial content formation, management and support. The process of ECCS design and creation as an Internet marketing result is iterative.

Features method of content analysis of text data array web-resources within the region

In the paper the method of integrated processing of heterogeneous information resources web-systems is described. This method is based on the model of data description as a coherent combination of data values, rules of data representation, interpretation rules and data structure. The method involves decomposition of general process into subprocesses of data values integration, data syntax integration, semantics and structure integration. The advantage of this approach is that the integration process can be performed at data metascheme level.

Information system analysis of the psychological state of the individual

A system for the analysis of the psychological and emotional state of the individual is developed. The aim is to assess the individual through social networks and the practical recommendations. The analysis of assessment data, the problems of this area and the relevance of the system were studied. The diagrams are developed that describe the structure and logic of the system. Description of system requirements according to RUP methodology was done and a prototype application that simulates the activity of individual analysis system was created.

Analytical methods for information resources processing in the electronic content commerce systems

Розглянуто питання розроблення методів та програмних засобів опрацювання інформаційних ресурсів у системах електронної контент-комерції. Проаналізовано основні проблеми електронної контент-комерції та функціональних сервісів опрацювання комерційного контенту. Запропонований метод дає можливість створити засоби опрацювання інформаційних ресурсів у системах електронної контент-комерції та реалізувати підсистему управління комерційним контентом. Вдосконалена класифікація систем електронної контент-комерції.

Information technology of web-resources management based fuzzy logic

The method of content management as its life cycle stage based on fuzzy logic is proposed. The method of content management describes the commercial Web resources forming and automation technology that simplifies the content management. Ways and procedures of project decision making in management of commercial web-projects under conditions of incomplete and inaccuracy of some are described in the paper. Principal factors of project decision making were analyzed, reasons and nature of project characteristics of incomplete and inaccuracy are defined.

Functionally logistic model of commercial content processing

In the given article is functional logistic model of commercial content processing as the content life cycle stage in electronic commerce systems proposed. The model of commercial content processing describes the information resources forming in electronic content commerce systems and automation technology simplifies the commercial content management. In the given article the main problems of electronic content commerce and functional services of commercial content processing are analyzed.

Система контент-моніторингу новинних інтернет-ресурсів

The article discusses the basic methods and content-monitoring system. The research, based on these methods and tools to identify the most frequently zustrichayemyh categories / keywords in leading journals press in Ukraine.

Cтруктура засобів опрацювання інформаційних ресурсів у системах електронної контент-комерції

Some of principal problems of electronic content commerce and functional services of content processing are analyzed in the article. Proposed method gives an opportunity to form resources processing tools for electronic commerce systems so as implement subsystems for content formation, management and support.

Концептуальна модель процесу формування семантики речення природною мовою

This paper presents the generative grammar application in linguistic modelling. Description of syntax sentence modelling is applied to automate the processes of analysis and synthesis of texts in natural language. This article suggests methods of content analysis for online newspaper. The model describes the processing of information resources systems of content analysis and simplifies the technology of content management system automation. General problems of syntactical and semantic content analysis and functional services of content management system are analysed.

Створення та застосування систем електронної контент-комерції

In the given article the main problems of electronic content commerce and functional services of commercial content processing are analyzed. The proposed model gives an opportunity to create an instrument of information resources processing in electronic content commerce systems (ECCS) and to implement the subsystem of commercial content formation, management and support.