
The mechanism of theft of others' property using information technologies

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the mechanism of embezzlement of someone else's property, which is carried out using information technologies in the context of current legislation. The methodological basis was a systematic approach to the study of the mechanism of criminal offenses related to the theft of other people's property and the influence of information technologies. The main role was played by general scientific methods, historical, logical, comparative, generalization and classification, analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction.

Looting as a type of criminal offenses against property: features of its commitment under the conditions of the state of martial

Abstract. The article examines the peculiarities of looting and other types of criminal offenses committed against property during the legal regime of martial law. As you know, the problem of preserving property is especially relevant during military operations. Among all criminal offenses, crimes aimed at the appropriation of someone else's property occupy a special place, given the numerous forms of their manifestation.

Сутність та види злочинів проти власності в Київській Русі

У статті проаналізовано сутність та види злочинів проти власності в Київській
Русі. Визначено правову природу та сутність «татьби». Охарактеризовано особливості
крадіжки та розбою як самостійних злочинів проти власності. Окрему увагу приділено
дослідженню інших видів злочинів проти власності за «Руською Правдою».

Circumstances, to be proved during the conduct of pre-trial investigation passengers thefts committed on railway transport of Ukraine

The article analyzes the peculiarities of circumstances to be proved in the pre-trial investigation passengers thefts committed on the railways of Ukraine. Examines the main theoretical and methodological approaches to define the circumstances subject to proof in criminal proceedings. Proven that are listed in article the circumstances require findings and evidence in all criminal proceedings on the fact of theft of personal property of passengers committed on railway transport of Ukraine.