machine learning

Density based fuzzy support vector machine: application to diabetes dataset

In this work, we propose a deep prediction diabetes system based on a new version of the support vector machine optimization model.  First, we determine three types of patients (noisy, cord, and interior) basing on specific parameters. Second, we equilibrate the clinical data sets by suppressing noisy and cord patients.  Third, we determine the support vectors by solving an optimization program with a reasonable size.

Acquisition and Processing of Data in CPS for Remote Monitoring of the Human functional State

Data acquisition and processing in cyber-physical system for remote monitoring of the human functional state have been considered in the paper. The data processing steps, strategies for multi-step forecasting evaluation metrics and machine learning algorithms to be implemented have been analysed and described. What is important, this way it will be possible to track the condition of the sick and response to the health changes in advance.


A melanoma is the deadliest skin cancer, so early diagnosis can provide a positive prognosis for treatment. Modern methods for early detecting melanoma on the image of the tumor are considered, and their advantages and disadvantages are analyzed. The article demonstrates a prototype of a mobile application for the detection of melanoma on the image of a mole based on a convolutional neural network, which is developed for the Android operating system.


The peculiarities of neural network training for forecasting taxi passenger demand using graphics processing units are considered, which allowed to speed up the training procedure for different sets of input data, hardware configurations, and its power. It has been found that taxi services are becoming more accessible to a wide range of people. The most important task for any transportation company and taxi driver is to minimize the waiting time for new orders and to minimize the distance from drivers to passengers on order receiving.

Method of image symbol recognition on the basis of convolutional neural network

In this article, a system of handwritten or printed text recognition in the image has been developed. Empirical methods of image processing and statistical models of machine learning and simulation are being developed in two directions: the detection of text on the image and the recognition of the text. Thus, in this paper, algorithmic software tools that combine these two areas in the software created for the operating systemiOS 11.0 or later for devices of the company Apple – iPhone, iPad that support this operating system are developed.

Mobile system for text recognition and translation with using microsoft cognitive ocr

The solution of handwritten and printed text processing problem with subsequent translation in such mobile platforms like Android and IOS is proposed. It was demonstrated method of fully cross-platformsolutions development for large mobile systems. It was implemented system with the base on general algorithm of text recognition and processing using Microsoft Cognitive OCR, and illustrated main system modules communication with basics on machine learning, using class diagram. Cross-platform solution for Android and IOS mobile systems was provided.

Classification of vibroartographic signals based on wavelet transformation and machine learning techniques

Vibroartography is a method of medical diagnosis, designed for objective estimation of human joint motor function in general and arthrokinematics of the knee joint in particular. The method is based on the analysis of signals of vibroacoustic emission. Vibroartography is not so effective compared to methods such as radiography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), but it is definitely a sensitive method for assessing the degree of knee joint dysfunction. This paper presents the research results related to the design of a system for vibroarthrographic signals computer processing.

Intelligent Agents in the Employment System

The paper considers the project of the system that carries out the bilateral process of search – candidate on a vacancy and automated search of vacancies for a candidate. For this purpose, information on available vacancies through web mining is constantly monitored. The obtained information on new vacancies is classified in terms of information related to previously defined classes of vacancies that play the role of a training sample.

Project of Information System for the Recognition Ofmathematical Expressions

The article describes the research of the peculiarities of methods and algorithms for the recognition of mathematical expressions. The possibility of simultaneous execution of structural analysis and classification of characters is investigated. The process of classification of the symbols and construction of the corresponding system, based on methods of machine learning, is described. The developed iterative algorithm is implemented in the design of the intelligent information system for the recognition of mathematical expressions.