магістральна вулиця

Change in traffic volumes in construction work zones

The problem of bottlenecks on the road network is relevant, especially in cities with radial and radial-ring schemes, since in case of their occurrence on arterial radial streets, it is difficult to choose an alternative route due to the low capacity of secondary streets. One of these bottlenecks is the repair work area, where, due to the closure of one street, the detour is carried out by parallel routes, which increases the load on local streets and driveways. Traffic flow volumes in the repair work areas are investigated in this paper.

Minimization of public transport delays at arterial streets with coordinated motion

Research results, using which the method of minimization of public transport delay is improved at intersections with the system of coordinated motion control, are given in this paper. Such transport research was carried out with simultaneous application of field measurements of the study of traffic flow indicators and computer simulation in PTV VISSIM to check the level of efficiency of coordinated control and the reliability of the results.

Assessment of the noise level on arterial streets depending on traffic flow indicators

The intensity of traffic flows increases every year and intensifies its impact significantly on urban territory's ecologic situation and natural environment. In Ukrainian cities, the growth of noise pollution is quite a topical problem as it has a significant impact on the environment because of the increase in car numbers. Traffic flow intensity and densification of the built-up area cause the increase of the noise level.

Minimization of traffic delay in traffic flows with coordinated control

The method and results of transport research, carried out by field research method, on the determination of the main indicators of traffic flows with significant unevenness of the movement on the arterial street in conditions of coordinated control is reviewed in the paper. Time parameters of traffic light control for which a reduction in traffic delay is achieved in direct and opposite traffic flow by the change of permissive signal depending on traffic intensity are determined using the simulation method.

Justification of the criteria for allocation of separate lanes for urban public transport

The article is devoted to the methodology and research results of traffic flow parameters on the arterial streets, where different regimes of prioritizing urban public transport operate. The regularities of changes of such parameters make it possible to identify and differentiate the sections of transport network in terms of service efficiency, with the aim to implement various regulatory measures that would help to minimize delays in traffic flow.