
Problem deviations in the legal system socio-cultural changes

On the basis of a thorough analysis of scientific papers highlighted the problem of deviations in the legal system of social and cultural change. It was found that the phenomenon of deviance ambivalent nature and can mean both negative and positive social change. In the scientific literature rejection divided into primary and secondary. Those terms that society is negligible, considered primary, and subjects who commits them, do not qualify as devianta because they do not violate social norms.

Philosophical concept of deviance (end of ХІХ – mid ХХ century)

The article outlines the main areas of research deviance as a social phenomenon in philosophical and legal context. Tracked the evolution of human behavior in the philosophical and legal discourse. Investigated that deviant behavior from the time of the emergence of a society always represented a danger to social stability, endanger the lives of people, societies, was considered undesirable, and a society trying to prevent and, if possible, block unwanted forms of human life.

Problem human existence: civilization-legal approach

On the basis of civilized approach thoroughly analyzed the question of human existence. The approach to solve the problem of being human integrity enables the enigma of this issue: the question of meaning and value of human existence, uniqueness and essence of human nature and definition of inner peace in it. Vyzna¬cheno relevant aspects of the integrity of the individual, analyzed and clarified the concept of integrity of human existence in the psychological, anthropological and philosophical and legal contexts.

Legal awareness and its impact on human behavior

The article deals with theoretical analysis of the concept of “justice”, described the essence of this concept in terms of different philosophical schools. Thesis there is determined a key element of justice in rehulyatyvnomu impact on human behavior. Dependence direction of human behavior on its conscience. It was shown determinants of formation of lawful behavior.

Free will of a man under globalization of the society (natural and legal aspect)

The article deals with the philosophical and legal approach to understanding of natural and legal features of the preservation and development of free will of a person under globalization of the society. A great attention is paid to the basic natural and legal values that form the basis of the principles of human activity in the socio-natural space.

Philosophical concept of law

In the article provisions of the main philosophical and legal theories aimed at explaining the meaning and essence of law and order. Shows the common and different in different theoretical and methodological approaches, the necessity at the present stage of development of the philosophy of law build an integrative concept, which would objnull positive achievements
of the existing theories.

Social behavior in natural and legal space

The article deals with the philosophical and legal approach to understanding of social behavior in natural and legal environment in the context of understanding the man at her relative or absolute autonomy and independence from being objective areas, including legal reality. A great attention is paid to the assimilation of human values provided legal globalization in society.