mass media.


The article describes the peculiarities of infotainment penetration into news journalism of TV channels: «1+1», «STB», «ICTV» (on the example of programs: «TSN», «Vikna-nowyny», «Facty.  Informaciynyi vypusk»). Infotainment as a multifaceted means of filling the television air, a multifunctional aspect of mass and interpersonal communication is considered. Efficiency is achieved by working on certain schemes, as shown in this paper. 


Blogs are a common occurrence on the Internet. Blogs are available not only on special platforms, on the Internet, as well as on social networks. Initially, blogs appeared on the Internet on special blogging platforms, and subsequently Internet media launched blogs on their pages. Blogs are popular among the audience, they expand the mass media audience on the Internet, as well as increase traffic. When social networks appeared and became popular, many bloggers switched to new types of media. 77 Significant segments of the Ukrainian blogosphere are journalistic blogs.