The article describes the peculiarities of infotainment penetration into news journalism of TV channels: «1+1», «STB», «ICTV» (on the example of programs: «TSN», «Vikna-nowyny», «Facty. Informaciynyi vypusk»). Infotainment as a multifaceted means of filling the television air, a multifunctional aspect of mass and interpersonal communication is considered. Efficiency is achieved by working on certain schemes, as shown in this paper.
The author draws attention to the fact that in Ukraine the active introduction of the infotainment method on television began after the collapse of the Soviet Union. During the economic crisis, the media faced financial difficulties and needed large advertisers, so to attract audiences, TV editors began to provide political and social information through the entertainment aspect, following the example of Western colleagues. The reasons and peculiarities of the infotainment genre in Ukrainian TV news are determined, the ways of presenting information on specific TV channels are analyzed, the role of a journalist and presenter in news broadcasting is revealed.
In the process of analyzing issues of programs «TSN», «Vikna-nowyny», «Facty. Informaciynyi vypusk» it was found out that in their work correspondents from all creative «tools «of infotainment most often use structural and compositional techniques: visual design, elements of artistic montage, lives. Common techniques in news broadcasting are also: «journalist as an actor» and «topic as the core of content», meaningful components.
Correspondents and presenters often use language play, emotionality and irony in the stories, thanks to which it is easy to present information, a person understands well what the presenter is talking about. One way to achieve the availability and attractiveness of information is a language game. Its essence is the transformation of stable phrases, proverbs, aphorisms etc.
Currently, Ukrainian infotainment in news and information programs on domestic television is in its infancy. Its distribution in the TV content of all-Ukrainian channels promotes the development of the media themselves, because interesting news attracts advertisers, so, in our opinion, this genre is the future.
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