математичне моделювання

Spatial modeling and analysis of processes of greenhouse gas emissions from extraction and processing of coal in Poland

Mathematical models for the spatial analysis of the processes of greenhouse gases emission from the mining and transformation of coal in Poland were elaborated. The digital maps of mines’s and coking’s places were created. GIS technology, which makes it possible to form a geo-distributed database was improved and the necessary calculations were done.  The obtained assessment of greenhouse gas emissions was represented by the digital thematic map.

Calculating the influence of a terrain relief on data of vertical electric sounding

Purpose. The main aim of the research is creation of methods for a calculation of a terrain relief influence on the vertical electric sounding (VES) data using the boundary element technique and also presentation of applying these methods for VES to test examples and real mountain terrains. Methodology. An apparent resistivity is equal to true resistivity of a medium in a homogeneous half-space. In the case of a relief surface of the homogeneous medium the ratio of the apparent resistivity to the real resistivity determines the influence value on the electrical resistivity data.

Mathematical modelling of longitudinal wave reflection coefficient from decompressed saturated zones in granite

The article reviews an actual problem of informative possibility of AVO-analysis based on synthetic model with close approximation to the real geological media. The data obtained by mathematical modeling of effective elastic and acoustic properties of granite with different structure of fractures demonstrate the possibility of AVO-analysis for exploration deconsolidated gas saturated and oil-saturated zones of basement.

Modeling stress-strain state bases of engineering constructions for evaluation of seismic hazard

Purpose. The aim of this work was to evaluate changes in the transfer characteristics of the seismic environment with additional loading of massive engineering structures. This analysis will help to more accurately assess the characteristics of sedimentary layer in the study of the transfer characteristics of environment under the engineering structures already at the design stage of construction. Methodology. Frequency characteristic of environment was obtained by solving the direct dynamic seismic problem.