
Methodical approaches to the formation of the competitive advantages of the enterprise based on benchmarking

In the article the relevance of the formation and achievement of competitive advantages of a separate enterprise at the present stage is substantiated. The purpose of the research is to develop a mechanism for applying benchmarking techniques to form the competitive advantages of the enterprise.

Methodology for Determining the Response Time of Thermo Transducers for Measuring the Temperature of Gas Flows

Gas flow temperature is an important parameter of the process, determines the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the original product, the presence of defects, the state of technological equipment, as well as the safety of the process. Therefore, its measurement must be carried out continuously, with high accuracy, low inertia and high reliability, since the information signal about the value of temperature is used in information-measuring systems and automatic control and regulation systems.

Jurisprudence in the context of scientific theories of the present

The pressing questions of methodology of cognition of scientific theories are considered. The scientific theories of modern jurisprudence, their structure are investigated. Development of jurisprudental theories is grounded in the general structure of scientific theories. Pay attention to the organization of law as a science. The problem of cost freedom of science, that us will interest different character and touch, is considered. It be comes firmly established that every science uses the tool of logic.

Осмислення методологічних підходів у сучасному правознавстві

Висвітлено методологічну ситуацію у сучасному правознавстві, основною особливістю
якої є перехід від моністичної методології до філософсько-методологічного плюралізму.

Методологічні та методичні засади кримінологічного обслуговування діяльності територіальних органів національної поліції

Розглядаються методологічні та методичні засади кримінологічного обслуговування
діяльності територіальних органів Національної поліції. На підставі комплексного підходу
до аналізу методологічних засад дослідження злочинності, як специфічного юридично-
правового явища, визначається специфіка кримінологічних досліджень у контексті
наукових підходів до об’єктивного пізнання державно-правових процесів.

Reserve and regulatory objects in accounting theory and practice: origins and evolution of the world accounting thought within the framework of the developments by the western ukrainian scientists of the 19th - middle 20th cent.

There are growing risks in the conduct of financial and economic activities by economic agents in the conditions of the modern economy, and because a reliable information base is needed both for management purposes and for market counterparties regarding the means actually available at an enterprise to overcome the risk of loss (reduction) of capital. Accounting and public reporting is the only tool that provides information in formalized data on the size of the reserve and insurance potential established by an entity.

Methodological approaches for conducting investigation of mechanisms of information security in Ukraine

The article discusses the methodological aspects of the study of the mechanism of information security in Ukraine. Existing groups of methods of jurisprudence are considered as well their role in the analysing of issues related to information security is determined. It has been proved that integrated application of methods provides the opportunity to explore the problems in the unity of its social content and legal form. It also helps to accomplish the analysis of the questions mentioned above. 


To questionnaire of construction communication on the creation of informed methodology

The article is devoted to the problems of the theory of the cognitive process, which is connected not only with the establishment of the truth, but with the presence of unequal approaches to the methodology of philosophical and legal science. The issue of the reversibility of the process of cognition, ethical knowledge, which has moral and value criteria, which should be discussed in order to develop the knowledge of the integrative methodology, has been violated.

Methodology of the synergetic approach in the investigation of informational technologies in public management

The article deals with scientific approaches to the methodology of the synergetic approach in the research of information technologies in public administration from the position of the national theory of law. On the basis of research in the field of administrative and information law, different approaches to the study of regulatory and regulatory regulation of the use of information technology in the context of adaptation of national legislation to the requirements of the European Union are considered.

Methodology law as an organized form of world of thinking and investigator

The article deals with the methodological  situation in modern jurisprudence. It is stressed that its main feature is the conversion  from the  monistic totality of the researching methods of the philosophical-methodological  pluralism. Established that the philosophical basis of research is pluralistic methodology that combines equal content and origin essence methods.